Invited Speaker

Dr. George N. Zaimes

Dr. George N. Zaimes

Deputy Chair, UNESCO Chair Con-E-Ect, Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems, Director of GERi Lab
and Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, International Hellenic University, 1st km Drama- Microhoriou, Drama, 66100, GREECE
Speech Title: Targeted Placement of Soil Erosion Prevention Works After Wildfires

Abstract: Anthropogenic activities and climate change have accelerated soil erosion in the Mediterranean. In the region, erosion rates are further exacerbated due to frequent wildfires and flash floods. Soil bioengineering works and nature-based solutions need to be placed in targeted areas to provide the greatest erosion control in the burned areas. The purpose of this study was to provide a targeted approach by utilizing spatial software along with field measurements to place optimally soil erosion prevention works. Specifically, the Gavrilovic soil erosion equation was implemented within the Geographical Information System (GIS) to estimate the areas of greatest erosion potential. The study area was Prinos watershed of Thasos Island in Greece that was burned in the summer of 2017. To run the soil erosion equation in GIS, different layers of data were collected or developed. Visual field measurements were taken to estimate the erosion potential factor. The results indicated the areas with the greatest soil erosion and allowed to pinpoint the location for the soil bioengineering works. The recommended works were wooden dam and log erosion barriers. This method could be used by the Greek Forest Service to promote the sustainable restoration of burned areas.

Biography: George N. Zaimes is the Deputy Director of the UNESCO Con-E-Ect Chair for the Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems. He is also an Assistant Professor specializing in the management of riverine and riparian ecosystems and the Chair of GERi Lab (Geomorphology, Edaphology and Riparian areas at the International Hellenic University in Greece. George Zaimes also serves as the Deputy Director of the Master’s program Man and Water. He received his doctorate in Water Resources from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. His main research interests are the sustainable management of water resources, the management, conservation and restoration of riparian areas, the management and rehabilitation of rivers, streams and torrents, nature-based solutions for soil erosion reduction, mitigating water pollution, hydrogeomorphology and hydrology. A focal point of his research is the sustainable management of riparian areas and other natural ecosystems with ecosystem-based approaches such as ecotourism under the potential impact of climate change. He has extensive experience in managing research projects for more than 10 years and was involved in more than 30 projects. Currently he is involved in ERASMUS+ project regarding the sustainable water management of water resources in the Eastern Mediterranean. Finally, he has authored many publications that include book chapters and manuscripts in scientific journals and proceedings of international scientific conferences (more than 150 in total).