List of Poster Presentations
Effect of Light Window on All-Silicon MOS-like gate-control LED Electro-optical Modulator
Mr. Zepeng Li
State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Coherent Accumulation Algorithm for Maneuvering Weak Target Based on Angular-Stepped-GRFT
Mr. Yuxian Sun
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Analysis of artificial intelligence applied in virtual learning environments in higher education for Ecuador
Dr. Moises Toapanta
Department of Investigation, Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui “USU-ISTER”, Av. Atahualpa 1701 y 8 de febrero, Ecuador
RL-based Load Balancing for Software-defined WiFi Networks
Assoc. Prof. Jun Li
School of Computer and Information, Anhui Polytechnic University, China
Anti-jamming Method of Cognitive Radio Based on Q-Learning
Ms. Yichen Xiao
Science & Technology on Integrated Information System Laboratory, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences Science, Beijing, China
A one-to-two filter power divider based on LTCC
Ms. LiYuanyuan
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Anhui University, China