List of Poster Presentations
Stability and Second-Order Lateral Stiffness of Embedded Piles with Generalized End-Boundary Conditions on Non-Homogeneous Soil
Dr. Carlos A. Vega-Posada
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Analogy between heterogeneous photocatalysis and the photochromic effect observed in fibers of titanium and tungsten oxides
Dr. Luana Góes Soares da Silva
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Evaluation of Small Size Four Rotor Drone Smooth Narrow Passage L-shaped Movement
Mr. Shota Ishii
University of Toyama, Japan
Evaluation of a Hip Stretching Device with Passive Adjustment Mechanism for Rehabilitation Support
Mr. Kameda Ryosuke
University of Toyama, Japan
Evaluation of Long-Distance Flight Control Performance of Three Size Four Rotor Helicopters
Mr. Harada Taisuke
University of Toyama, Japan
Development and Characterization of Lignin/Polycaprolactone Nanostructures by Electrospinning
Dr. José Fernando Rubio Valle
University of Huelva, Spain
Theoretical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Increase in the Strength Characteristics of Materials during Electrolytic-Plasma Treatment
Assoc. Prof. Popov
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia